The main stream ( PetStore Team Stream) and its various components will flow into the integration stream. 主要流程(PetStoreTeamStream)和它的各种组件都将归于这个整合流程。
Whatever music people were dancing to, it wasn't in the main stream. 人们跳舞用的音乐,都不是主流。
At the same time, many Asian main stream TV stations which have shown the Chinese version before look forward to the English drama and TV movie as well. 同时,许多播放过中文版《甄嬛传》的亚洲主流电视台也对英文版《甄嬛传》的电视剧和电视电影非常期待。
Being happy with fighting for a victory, they finally become the main stream of society. 80后终于疲惫而略带胜利地窃喜,终于成为社会主流。
Objective To find out the genotoxicity of main stream and side stream of the cigarette. 目的确定香烟主流烟雾与侧流烟雾对小鼠的遗传毒性效应及两者遗传毒性的差别。
Main stream productspresentlyused in IP bearer network include core router, service router, core route switch, broadband access server, firewall, user service gateway, etc. 目前,IP承载网使用到的主流产品包括核心路由器、业务路由器、核心路由交换机、宽带接入服务器、防火墙、用户业务网关等。
However, due to the theoretical origin, the insufficiency of the main stream Neoclassic Theory in the institutional analysis extends to and is reflected in china's current theories of public finance. 但由于理论渊源上的原因,使得西方新古典主流经济学在制度分析上的不足和欠缺延伸并体现在我国现有的公共财政理论上。
With the development of technology and change of societal trend, distance education has already been another main stream in education. 随著科技的发展与社会趋势之改变,远距教育已逐步成为相对于传统教育外另一支教育体系主流。
President Karzai has for a very long time want to bring the Taliban into the main stream. 很长时间依赖卡尔扎伊总统,就想把塔利班分子拉回主流社会。
A branch of a river that flows away from the main stream. 黄河的这段支流被改道转入新的流向。
Analysis of the role and strategic position of hydropower development in the main stream of Dadu River 大渡河干流水电开发的战略地位及作用分析
Efficient and economical artificial recharge projects can often result from utilizing the bed of the main stream channel. 有效而且经济的人工补给措施一般可以利用主河道的河床。
In the process of transforming into the market economy, the people's attention has changed to pursue the actual material benefits, the previous main stream of political believes is in inevitably inclined to be weakened. 摘要向市场经济转型的过程中,人们的注意力转向追求实际的物质利益,原来的主流政治信仰不可避免地趋向弱化。
He thought a lot with inflexibility between legitimism and tradition, main stream and secondary aspects, reality and ideal. 他在正统与传统、主流与边缘、现实与理想之间执著地思考。
The spirit in his poem is complicated, not only accusing of that period of time, but also returning the main stream in some degree. 他的诗歌所体现的精神状态是复杂的:既有对当时时代的控诉,也在一定程度上回归主流。
Zhaoyuan section is the frontage of monitoring water quality of Songhua River main stream. 松花江肇源江段是松花江干流水质监测的前哨。
In contrast with the main stream theory, the fiscal decentralization hasn't prevented the governments from expanding their size and has in fact promoted the expansion of the government size. 与主流理论相反,财政分权并没有起到遏制政府规模扩张的作用,而是促进了政府规模扩张。
Study on PAHs from the Heavy Chemical Accumulation Area in the Main Stream of the Middle Reaches of Huaihe River 淮河中游重化工聚集区干流水体中多环芳烃研究
It has made the main stream of cultural spread changed from the text form to picture form. 摄影促使了文化传播的主流由文本方式向图像方式的转换。
Despite occasional division in the Chinese history, ethnic harmony and national unity have remained the main stream in the history of the Chinese nation, and an important guarantee for china's development and progress. 中国历史上虽曾出现过暂时的分裂现象,但民族团结和国家统一始终是中华民族历史的主流,是中国发展进步的重要保障。
In that time agile has moved from relative obscurity in the world of project management to the main stream. 在这十年间,敏捷从项目管理界中的无名小卒发展成了主流的方法。
Introducing the Main Stream of International Society and Developing Dalian's Foreign Trade 融入国际社会主流发展大连对外贸易
It was not through the cities that this main stream flowed, but through innumerable little country towns and villages. 这一主流还不在城市,而是在乡村,在不计其数的村镇中。
Regarding the significant role of customers, the study of their behaviors influence on the adoption of e-commerce by the firms becomes a main stream in scholastic path. 考虑到客户的重要性,企业采用电子商务对客户行为影响的研究成为一个学术研究主流。
Study of Eutrophication in Main Stream and Tributaries of Yangtze River in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area 三峡库区长江干流和支流富营养化研究
The process of the building of these schools stimulate them to create the main stream of history advancement. 实验性示范性高中建设的过程激励着学校主动去创造历史前进的主流。
NVC aims to fight against Child labor and rehabilitate them making them free from labor, and educate all the street children& bring them back to the society and the main stream of development. NVC致力于打击童工和使这些孩子从劳动力恢复到自由,并对那些露宿街头的孩子进行教育,将他们带到社会和主流的发展上。
This paper analyzes related data in Shen paper to reflect the main stream of people's social psychology before the war. 通过对《申报》的资料分析,来透视甲午中日战争前国民的主要社会心理。
Shifosi reservoir is an important reservoir of Liaohe main stream. 石佛寺水库是辽河干流的一座重要水库。
The Shuangjiangkou hydropower station is an upper control project of cascade hydropower development in the main stream of Dadu River. 双江口水电站为大渡河干流梯级水电开发的上游控制性工程。